usual$89167$ - translation to ολλανδικά
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  • ετυμολογία

usual$89167$ - translation to ολλανδικά

Business As Usual; Business as Usual (disambiguation); Business as Usual; Business as usual (disambiguation); Business as Usual (album)

adj. normaal
business as usual         
alles gaat zijn gangetje
MAD Magazine         
  • ''Mad'' creators at a November 2013 book signing for the ''Inside Mad'' collection. From left to right: Art director [[Sam Viviano]], writers [[Tim Carvell]] and [[Desmond Devlin]], editor-in-chief [[John Ficarra]], and artist [[Al Jaffee]].
  • Aliens]]''
  • First cover appearance (issue 21, March 1955) of Alfred E. Neuman in a fake advertisement satirizing the popular mail-order house [[Johnson Smith Company]]
  • With issue 24 (July 1955), ''Mad'' switched to a magazine format. The "extremely important message" was "Please buy this magazine!".
  • [[Harvey Kurtzman]]'s cover for ''Mad'' No. 1 ([[cover-date]]d Oct./Nov. 1952)
Mad Magazine; MAD magazine; Mad magazine; Godfrey report; Arthur (plant); MAD Magazine Game; Mad Magazine (game); MAD Magazine; Mad megazine; The Usual Gang of Idiots; Mad (Magazine); The Mad Magazine Game; Mad Magazine Game; Madkids; Scott Maiko; Usual Gang of Idiots; The mad magazine; British MAD; Mad (comics); Mad mag; MAD (magazine); Mad Classics; Crazy, Sick and Cracked; MAD UK; The Idiotical; Monroe (comic strip); The Dellwoods; E.C. Publications.; Crazy, Sick & Cracked
"Mad"-tijdschrift, tijdschrift van karikaturen die bekendheden en publieke sterren voor mal zet en huidige gebeurtenissen op lachwekkende wijze beschrijft (in V.S. uitgegeven)


Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems...
She's smiling her usual friendly smile...
After lunch there was a little more clearing up to do than usual...
It is usual to tip waiters, porters, guides and drivers.
= normal
ADJ: det ADJ, v-link ADJ, oft it v-link ADJ to-inf
Usual is also a noun.
The stout barman in a bow tie presented himself to take their order. 'Good morning, sir. The usual?'
N-SING: the N
You use as usual to indicate that you are describing something that normally happens or that is normally the case.
As usual there will be the local and regional elections on June the twelfth...
The front pages are, as usual, a mixture of domestic and foreign news.
PHRASE: PHR with cl
If something happens as usual, it happens in the way that it normally does, especially when other things have changed.
When somebody died everything went on as usual, as if it had never happened...
PHRASE: PHR after v
business as usual: see business


Business as usual

Business as usual may refer to:

  • Business as usual (business), the normal execution of operations within an organization
  • Business as usual (policy), policy of the British government in World War I